Christmas has come early this year.
I don't have just one deal for you today. Uh uh, I have TWO!!
You can now grab the Instant Heat AND Slow Burn AUDIOS for only five bucks!
Nope, that's not a typo… You can have both audiobooks in your ears for less than a fancy latte.
So what exactly are you getting, I hear you ask.
🔥 Over 13 hours of audio goodness.
🔥 Delicious tension that will melt your ears.
🔥 An Irish accent to die for! (Seriously, you'll be swooning after the first sentence.)
🔥 Some Insta-Love (Instant Heat)
🔥 Enough slow burn deliciousness to leave you screaming with anticipation. (Slow Burn)
And so, so much more.
Grab them here → https://bit.ly/3DZ4ZIH
Instant Heat → https://bit.ly/3aGfvrR
Slow Burn → https://bit.ly/3BP6Xur